360 Assembly
For maximum compatibility, this program uses only the basic instruction set.
* Bubble Sort BUBBLE CSECT USING BUBBLE,R13,R12 SAVEAREA B STM-SAVEAREA(R15) skip savearea DC 17F'0' DC CL8'BUBBLE' STM STM R14,R12,12(R13) save calling context ST R13,4(R15) ST R15,8(R13) LR R13,R15 set addessability LA R12,4095(R13) LA R12,1(R12) MORE EQU * LA R8,0 R8=no more LA R1,A R1=Addr(A(I)) LA R2,2(R1) R2=Addr(A(I+1)) LA R4,0 to start at 1 LA R6,1 increment L R7,N R7=N BCTR R7,0 R7=N-1 LOOP BXH R4,R6,ENDLOOP for R4=1 to N-1 LH R3,0(R1) R3=A(I) CH R3,0(R2) A(I)::A(I+1) BNH NOSWAP if A(I)<=A(I+1) then goto NOSWAP LH R9,0(R1) R9=A(I) LH R3,0(R2) R3=A(I+1) STH R3,0(R1) A(I)=R3 STH R9,0(R2) A(I+1)=R9 LA R8,1 R8=more NOSWAP EQU * LA R1,2(R1) next A(I) LA R2,2(R2) next A(I+1) B LOOP ENDLOOP EQU * LTR R8,R8 BNZ MORE LA R3,A R3=Addr(A(I)) LA R4,0 to start at 1 LA R6,1 increment L R7,N PRNT BXH R4,R6,ENDPRNT for R4=1 to N LH R5,0(R3) R5=A(I) CVD R4,P Store I to packed P UNPK Z,P Z=P MVC C,Z C=Z OI C+L'C-1,X'F0' ZAP SIGN MVC BUFFER(4),C+12 CVD R5,P Store A(I) to packed P UNPK Z,P Z=P MVC C,Z C=Z OI C+L'C-1,X'F0' ZAP SIGN MVC BUFFER+10(6),C+10 WTO MF=(E,WTOMSG) LA R3,2(R3) next A(I) B PRNT ENDPRNT EQU * CNOP 0,4 L R13,4(0,R13) LM R14,R12,12(R13) restore context XR R15,R15 set return code to 0 BR R14 return to caller N DC A((AEND-A)/2) number of items in A, so N=F'80' A DC H'223',H'356',H'018',H'820',H'664',H'845',H'927',H'198' 8 DC H'261',H'802',H'523',H'982',H'242',H'192',H'913',H'230' 16 DC H'353',H'565',H'195',H'174',H'665',H'807',H'050',H'539' 24 DC H'436',H'249',H'848',H'010',H'006',H'794',H'100',H'433' 32 DC H'782',H'728',H'259',H'358',H'206',H'081',H'701',H'997' 40 DC H'880',H'520',H'780',H'293',H'861',H'942',H'735',H'091' 48 DC H'503',H'582',H'716',H'836',H'135',H'653',H'856',H'142' 56 DC H'919',H'498',H'303',H'894',H'536',H'211',H'539',H'986' 64 DC H'356',H'796',H'644',H'552',H'771',H'443',H'035',H'780' 72 DC H'474',H'278',H'332',H'949',H'351',H'282',H'558',H'904' 80 AEND EQU * P DS PL8 packed Z DS ZL16 zoned C DS CL16 character WTOMSG CNOP 0,4 DC H'80' length of WTO buffer DC H'0' must be binary zeroes BUFFER DC 80C' ' LTORG YREGS END BUBBLE
- Output:
0001 000006 0002 000010 0003 000018 0004 000035 0005 000050 0006 000081 0007 000091 0008 000100 0009 000135 0010 000142 0011 000174 0012 000192 0013 000195 0014 000198 0015 000206 0016 000211 0017 000223 0018 000230 0019 000242 0020 000249 0021 000259 0022 000261 0023 000278 0024 000282 0025 000293 0026 000303 0027 000332 0028 000351 0029 000353 0030 000356 0031 000356 0032 000358 0033 000433 0034 000436 0035 000443 0036 000474 0037 000498 0038 000503 0039 000520 0040 000523 0041 000536 0042 000539 0043 000539 0044 000552 0045 000558 0046 000565 0047 000582 0048 000644 0049 000653 0050 000664 0051 000665 0052 000701 0053 000716 0054 000728 0055 000735 0056 000771 0057 000780 0058 000780 0059 000782 0060 000794 0061 000796 0062 000802 0063 000807 0064 000820 0065 000836 0066 000845 0067 000848 0068 000856 0069 000861 0070 000880 0071 000894 0072 000904 0073 000913 0074 000919 0075 000927 0076 000942 0077 000949 0078 000982 0079 000986 0080 000997
(defun bubble (xs) (if (endp (rest xs)) (mv nil xs) (let ((x1 (first xs)) (x2 (second xs))) (if (> x1 x2) (mv-let (_ ys) (bubble (cons x1 (rest (rest xs)))) (declare (ignore _)) (mv t (cons x2 ys))) (mv-let (has-changed ys) (bubble (rest xs)) (mv has-changed (cons x1 ys))))))) (defun bsort-r (xs limit) (declare (xargs :measure (nfix limit))) (if (zp limit) xs (mv-let (has-changed ys) (bubble xs) (if has-changed (bsort-r ys (1- limit)) ys)))) (defun bsort (xs) (bsort-r xs (len xs)))
public function bubbleSort(toSort:Array):Array { var changed:Boolean = false; while (!changed) { changed = true; for (var i:int = 0; i < toSort.length - 1; i++) { if (toSort[i] > toSort[i + 1]) { var tmp:int = toSort[i]; toSort[i] = toSort[i + 1]; toSort[i + 1] = tmp; changed = false; } } } return toSort; }
generic type Element is private; with function "=" (E1, E2 : Element) return Boolean is <>; with function "<" (E1, E2 : Element) return Boolean is <>; type Index is (<>); type Arr is array (Index range <>) of Element; procedure Bubble_Sort (A : in out Arr); procedure Bubble_Sort (A : in out Arr) is Finished : Boolean; Temp : Element; begin loop Finished := True; for J in A'First .. Index'Pred (A'Last) loop if A (Index'Succ (J)) < A (J) then Finished := False; Temp := A (Index'Succ (J)); A (Index'Succ (J)) := A (J); A (J) := Temp; end if; end loop; exit when Finished; end loop; end Bubble_Sort; -- Example of usage: with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Bubble_Sort; procedure Main is type Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; procedure Sort is new Bubble_Sort (Element => Integer, Index => Positive, Arr => Arr); A : Arr := (1, 3, 256, 0, 3, 4, -1); begin Sort (A); for J in A'Range loop Put (Integer'Image (A (J))); end loop; New_Line; end Main;
[edit]ALGOL 68
MODE DATA = INT; PROC swap = (REF[]DATA slice)VOID: ( DATA tmp = slice[1]; slice[1] := slice[2]; slice[2] := tmp ); PROC sort = (REF[]DATA array)VOID: ( BOOL sorted; INT shrinkage := 0; FOR size FROM UPB array - 1 BY -1 WHILE sorted := TRUE; shrinkage +:= 1; FOR i FROM LWB array TO size DO IF array[i+1] < array[i] THEN swap(array[i:i+1]); sorted := FALSE FI OD; NOT sorted DO SKIP OD ); main:( [10]INT random := (1,6,3,5,2,9,8,4,7,0); printf(($"Before: "10(g(3))l$,random)); sort(random); printf(($"After: "10(g(3))l$,random)) )
- Output:
Before: +1 +6 +3 +5 +2 +9 +8 +4 +7 +0 After: +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
A function that returns a sorted version of it's x input
< x > ( i , 0 ) ( sjt , 1; 0; 0 ) // swapped:0 / j:1 / temp:2 [ @sjt = 1 , ( sjt , 0 ) ( sjt[ 1 ] , +1 ) ( i , 0 ) [ @i < @x? - @sjt[ 1 ], { @x[ @i ] < @x[ @i + 1 ], ( sjt[ 2 ] , @x[ @i ] ) ( x[ @i ] , @x[ @i + 1 ] ) ( x[ @i + 1 ] , @sjt[ 2 ] ) ( sjt , 1 ) } ( i , +1 ) ] ] ( return , @x )
var = ( dog cat pile abc ) MsgBox % bubblesort(var) bubblesort(var) ; each line of var is an element of the array { StringSplit, array, var, `n hasChanged = 1 size := array0 While hasChanged { hasChanged = 0 Loop, % (size - 1) { i := array%A_Index% aj := A_Index + 1 j := array%aj% If (j < i) { temp := array%A_Index% array%A_Index% := array%aj% array%aj% := temp hasChanged = 1 } } } Loop, % size sorted .= array%A_Index% . "`n" Return sorted }
Sort the standard input and print it to standard output.
{ # read every line into an array line[NR] = $0 } END { # sort it with bubble sort do { haschanged = 0 for(i=1; i < NR; i++) { if ( line[i] > line[i+1] ) { t = line[i] line[i] = line[i+1] line[i+1] = t haschanged = 1 } } } while ( haschanged == 1 ) # print it for(i=1; i <= NR; i++) { print line[i] } }
GNU awk contains built in functions for sorting, but POSIX Awk doesn't. Here is a generic bubble sort() implementation that you can copy/paste to your Awk programs. Adapted from the above example. Note that it is not possible to return arrays from Awk functions so the array is "edited in place". The extra parameters passed in function's argument list is a well known trick to define local variables.
# Test this example file from command line with: # # awk -f file.awk /dev/null # # Code by Jari Aalto <jari.aalto A T cante net> # Licensed and released under GPL-2+, see http://spdx.org/licenses function alen(array, dummy, len) { for (dummy in array) len++; return len; } function sort(array, haschanged, len, tmp, i) { len = alen(array) haschanged = 1 while ( haschanged == 1 ) { haschanged = 0 for (i = 1; i <= len - 1; i++) { if (array[i] > array[i+1]) { tmp = array[i] array[i] = array[i + 1] array[i + 1] = tmp haschanged = 1 } } } } # An Example. Sorts array to order: b, c, z { array[1] = "c" array[2] = "z" array[3] = "b" sort(array) print array[1] " " array[2] " " array[3] exit }
Assume numbers are in a DIM of size "size" called "nums".
DO changed = 0 FOR I = 1 TO size -1 IF nums(I) > nums(I + 1) THEN tmp = nums(I) nums(I) = nums(I + 1) nums(I + 1) = tmp changed = 1 END IF NEXT LOOP WHILE(NOT changed)
Dim a(11): ordered=false print "Original set" For n = 0 to 9 a[n]=int(rand*20+1) print a[n]+", "; next n #algorithm while ordered=false ordered=true For n = 0 to 9 if a[n]> a[n+1] then x=a[n] a[n]=a[n+1] a[n+1]=x ordered=false end if next n end while print print "Ordered set" For n = 1 to 10 print a[n]+", "; next n
- Output:
Original set 2, 10, 17, 13, 20, 14, 3, 17, 16, 16, Ordered set 2, 3, 10, 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 17, 20,
The Bubble sort is very inefficient for 99% of cases. This routine uses a couple of 'tricks' to try and mitigate the inefficiency to a limited extent. Note that the array index is assumed to start at zero.
DIM test(9) test() = 4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 2, 83, 782, 1 PROCbubblesort(test(), 10) FOR i% = 0 TO 9 PRINT test(i%) ; NEXT PRINT END DEF PROCbubblesort(a(), n%) LOCAL i%, l% REPEAT l% = 0 FOR i% = 1 TO n%-1 IF a(i%-1) > a(i%) THEN SWAP a(i%-1),a(i%) l% = i% ENDIF NEXT n% = l% UNTIL l% = 0 ENDPROC
- Output:
-31 0 1 2 2 4 65 83 99 782
#include <stdio.h> void bubble_sort (int *a, int n) { int i, t, s = 1; while (s) { s = 0; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] < a[i - 1]) { t = a[i]; a[i] = a[i - 1]; a[i - 1] = t; s = 1; } } } } int main () { int a[] = {4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 2, 83, 782, 1}; int n = sizeof a / sizeof a[0]; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d%s", a[i], i == n - 1 ? "\n" : " "); bubble_sort(a, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d%s", a[i], i == n - 1 ? "\n" : " "); return 0; }
- Output:
4 65 2 -31 0 99 2 83 782 1 -31 0 1 2 2 4 65 83 99 782
Uses C++11. Compile with
g++ -std=c++11 bubble.cpp
#include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> template <typename RandomAccessIterator> void bubble_sort(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end) { bool swapped = true; while (begin != end-- && swapped) { swapped = false; for (auto i = begin; i != end; ++i) { if (*(i + 1) < *i) { std::iter_swap(i, i + 1); swapped = true; } } } } int main() { int a[] = {100, 2, 56, 200, -52, 3, 99, 33, 177, -199}; bubble_sort(std::begin(a), std::end(a)); copy(std::begin(a), std::end(a), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " ")); std::cout << "\n"; }
- Output:
-199 -52 2 3 33 56 99 100 177 200
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace RosettaCode.BubbleSort { public static class BubbleSortMethods { //The "this" keyword before the method parameter identifies this as a C# extension //method, which can be called using instance method syntax on any generic list, //without having to modify the generic List<T> code provided by the .NET framework. public static void BubbleSort<T>(this List<T> list) where T : IComparable { bool madeChanges; int itemCount = list.Count; do { madeChanges = false; itemCount--; for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { if (list[i].CompareTo(list[i + 1]) > 0) { T temp = list[i + 1]; list[i + 1] = list[i]; list[i] = temp; madeChanges = true; } } } while (madeChanges); } } //A short test program to demonstrate the BubbleSort. The compiler will change the //call to testList.BubbleSort() into one to BubbleSortMethods.BubbleSort<T>(testList). class Program { static void Main() { List<int> testList = new List<int> { 3, 7, 3, 2, 1, -4, 10, 12, 4 }; testList.BubbleSort(); foreach (var t in testList) Console.Write(t + " "); } } }
Bubble sorts a Java ArrayList in place. Uses 'doseq' iteration construct with a short-circuit when a pass didn't produce any change, and within the pass, an atomic 'changed' variable that gets reset whenever a change occurs.
(ns bubblesort (:import java.util.ArrayList)) (defn bubble-sort "Sort in-place. arr must implement the Java List interface and should support random access, e.g. an ArrayList." ([arr] (bubble-sort compare arr)) ([cmp arr] (letfn [(swap! [i j] (let [t (.get arr i)] (doto arr (.set i (.get arr j)) (.set j t)))) (sorter [stop-i] (let [changed (atom false)] (doseq [i (range stop-i)] (if (pos? (cmp (.get arr i) (.get arr (inc i)))) (do (swap! i (inc i)) (reset! changed true)))) @changed))] (doseq [stop-i (range (dec (.size arr)) -1 -1) :while (sorter stop-i)]) arr))) (println (bubble-sort (ArrayList. [10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1])))
Purely functional version working on Clojure sequences:
(defn- bubble-step "was-changed: whether any elements prior to the current first element were swapped; returns a two-element vector [partially-sorted-sequence is-sorted]" [less? xs was-changed] (if (< (count xs) 2) [xs (not was-changed)] (let [[x1 x2 & xr] xs first-is-smaller (less? x1 x2) is-changed (or was-changed (not first-is-smaller)) [smaller larger] (if first-is-smaller [x1 x2] [x2 x1]) [result is-sorted] (bubble-step less? (cons larger xr) is-changed)] [(cons smaller result) is-sorted]))) (defn bubble-sort "Takes an optional less-than predicate and a sequence. Returns the sorted sequence. Very inefficient (O(n²))" ([xs] (bubble-sort <= xs)) ([less? xs] (let [[result is-sorted] (bubble-step less? xs false)] (if is-sorted result (recur less? result))))) (println (bubble-sort [10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1]))
Only for lists of integers.
# bubble_sort(var [value1 value2...]) sorts a list of integers. function(bubble_sort var) math(EXPR last "${ARGC} - 1") # Prepare to sort ARGV[1]..ARGV[last]. set(again YES) while(again) set(again NO) math(EXPR last "${last} - 1") # Decrement last index. foreach(index RANGE 1 ${last}) # Loop for each index. math(EXPR index_plus_1 "${index} + 1") set(a "${ARGV${index}}") # a = ARGV[index] set(b "${ARGV${index_plus_1}}") # b = ARGV[index + 1] if(a GREATER "${b}") # If a > b... set(ARGV${index} "${b}") # ...then swap a, b set(ARGV${index_plus_1} "${a}") # inside ARGV. set(again YES) endif() endforeach(index) endwhile() set(answer) math(EXPR last "${ARGC} - 1") foreach(index RANGE 1 "${last}") list(APPEND answer "${ARGV${index}}") endforeach(index) set("${var}" "${answer}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(bubble_sort)
bubble_sort(result 33 11 44 22 66 55) message(STATUS "${result}")
-- 11;22;33;44;55;66
This is a complete program that demonstrates the bubble sort algorithm in COBOL.
identification division. program-id. BUBBLSRT. data division. working-storage section. 01 changed-flag pic x. 88 hasChanged value 'Y'. 88 hasNOTChanged value 'N'. 01 itemCount pic 99. 01 tempItem pic 99. 01 itemArray. 03 itemArrayCount pic 99. 03 item pic 99 occurs 99 times indexed by itemIndex. * procedure division. main. * place the values to sort into itemArray move 10 to itemArrayCount move 28 to item (1) move 44 to item (2) move 46 to item (3) move 24 to item (4) move 19 to item (5) move 2 to item (6) move 17 to item (7) move 11 to item (8) move 24 to item (9) move 4 to item (10) * store the starting count in itemCount and perform the sort move itemArrayCount to itemCount perform bubble-sort * output the results perform varying itemIndex from 1 by 1 until itemIndex > itemArrayCount display item (itemIndex) ';' with no advancing end-perform * thats it! stop run. * bubble-sort. perform with test after until hasNOTchanged set hasNOTChanged to true subtract 1 from itemCount perform varying itemIndex from 1 by 1 until itemIndex > itemCount if item (itemIndex) > item (itemIndex + 1) move item (itemIndex) to tempItem move item (itemIndex + 1) to item (itemIndex) move tempItem to item (itemIndex + 1) set hasChanged to true end-if end-perform end-perform .
- Output:
Output: 02;04;11;17;19;24;24;28;44;46;
[edit]Common Lisp
Bubble sort an sequence in-place, using the < operator for comparison if no comaprison function is provided
(defun bubble-sort (sequence &optional (compare #'<)) "sort a sequence (array or list) with an optional comparison function (cl:< is the default)" (loop with sorted = nil until sorted do (setf sorted t) (loop for a below (1- (length sequence)) do (unless (funcall compare (elt sequence a) (elt sequence (1+ a))) (rotatef (elt sequence a) (elt sequence (1+ a))) (setf sorted nil)))))
(bubble-sort (list 5 4 3 2 1))
has linear access time for lists, making the prior implementation of bubble-sort very expensive (although very clear, and straightforward to code. Here is an implementation that works efficiently for both vectors and lists. For lists it also has the nice property that the input list and the sorted list begin with the same cons
cell.(defun bubble-sort-vector (vector predicate &aux (len (1- (length vector)))) (do ((swapped t)) ((not swapped) vector) (setf swapped nil) (do ((i (min 0 len) (1+ i))) ((eql i len)) (when (funcall predicate (aref vector (1+ i)) (aref vector i)) (rotatef (aref vector i) (aref vector (1+ i))) (setf swapped t))))) (defun bubble-sort-list (list predicate) (do ((swapped t)) ((not swapped) list) (setf swapped nil) (do ((list list (rest list))) ((endp (rest list))) (when (funcall predicate (second list) (first list)) (rotatef (first list) (second list)) (setf swapped t))))) (defun bubble-sort (sequence predicate) (etypecase sequence (list (bubble-sort-list sequence predicate)) (vector (bubble-sort-vector sequence predicate))))
import std.stdio, std.algorithm; void bubbleSort(T)(T[] data) pure nothrow { auto itemCount = data.length; bool hasChanged = false; do { hasChanged = false; itemCount--; foreach (immutable i; 0 .. itemCount) if (data[i] > data[i + 1]) { swap(data[i], data[i + 1]); hasChanged = true; } } while (hasChanged); } void main() { auto array = [28, 44, 46, 24, 19, 2, 17, 11, 25, 4]; array.bubbleSort(); writeln(array); }
- Output:
[2, 4, 11, 17, 19, 24, 25, 28, 44, 46]
Dynamic array is a 0-based array of variable length
Static array is an arbitrary-based array of fixed length
program TestBubbleSort; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {.$DEFINE DYNARRAY} // remove '.' to compile with dynamic array type TItem = Integer; // declare ordinal type for array item {$IFDEF DYNARRAY} TArray = array of TItem; // dynamic array {$ELSE} TArray = array[0..15] of TItem; // static array {$ENDIF} procedure BubbleSort(var A: TArray); var Item: TItem; K, L, J: Integer; begin L:= Low(A) + 1; repeat K:= High(A); for J:= High(A) downto L do begin if A[J - 1] > A[J] then begin Item:= A[J - 1]; A[J - 1]:= A[J]; A[J]:= Item; K:= J; end; end; L:= K + 1; until L > High(A); end; var A: TArray; I: Integer; begin {$IFDEF DYNARRAY} SetLength(A, 16); {$ENDIF} for I:= Low(A) to High(A) do A[I]:= Random(100); for I:= Low(A) to High(A) do Write(A[I]:3); Writeln; BubbleSort(A); for I:= Low(A) to High(A) do Write(A[I]:3); Writeln; Readln; end.
- Output:
0 3 86 20 27 67 31 16 37 42 8 47 7 84 5 29 0 3 5 7 8 16 20 27 29 31 37 42 47 67 84 86
def bubbleSort(target) { __loop(fn { var changed := false for i in 0..(target.size() - 2) { def [a, b] := target(i, i + 2) if (a > b) { target(i, i + 2) := [b, a] changed := true } } changed }) }
(Uses the primitive __loop directly because it happens to map to the termination test for this algorithm well.)
This solution is presented in two classes. The first is a simple application that creates a set, an instance of
, and adds elements to the set in unsorted order. It iterates across the set printing the elements, then it sorts the set, and reprints the elements.class APPLICATION create make feature make -- Create and print sorted set do create my_set.make my_set.put_front (2) my_set.put_front (6) my_set.put_front (1) my_set.put_front (5) my_set.put_front (3) my_set.put_front (9) my_set.put_front (8) my_set.put_front (4) my_set.put_front (10) my_set.put_front (7) print ("Before: ") across my_set as ic loop print (ic.item.out + " ") end print ("%NAfter : ") my_set.sort across my_set as ic loop print (ic.item.out + " ") end end my_set: MY_SORTED_SET [INTEGER] -- Set to be sorted end
The second class is
.class MY_SORTED_SET [G -> COMPARABLE] inherit TWO_WAY_SORTED_SET [G] redefine sort end create make feature sort -- Sort with bubble sort local l_unchanged: BOOLEAN l_item_count: INTEGER l_temp: G do from l_item_count := count until l_unchanged loop l_unchanged := True l_item_count := l_item_count - 1 across 1 |..| l_item_count as ic loop if Current [ic.item] > Current [ic.item + 1] then l_temp := Current [ic.item] Current [ic.item] := Current [ic.item + 1] Current [ic.item + 1] := l_temp l_unchanged := False end end end end end
This class inherits from the Eiffel library class
, which implements sets whose elements are comparable. Therefore, the set can be ordered and in fact is kept so under normal circumstances.MY_SORTED_SET
redefines only the routine sort
which contains the implementation of the sort algorithm. The implementation in the redefined version of sort
uses a bubble sort.- Output:
Before: 7 10 4 8 9 3 5 1 6 2 After : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
is implemented internally as a list. For this example, we use the feature put_front
which explicitly adds each new element to the beginning of the list, allowing us to show that the elements are unordered until we sort them. It also causes, in the "Before" output, the elements to be printed in the reverse of the order in which they were added. Under normal circumstances, we would use the feature extend
(rather than put_front
) to add elements to the list. This would assure that the order was maintained even as elements were added.[edit]Elixir
defmodule Sort do def bubble_sort(list) when length(list)<=1, do: list def bubble_sort(list) when is_list(list), do: bubble_sort(list, []) def bubble_sort([x], sorted), do: [x | sorted] def bubble_sort(list, sorted) do {rest, [max]} = Enum.split(bubble_move(list), -1) bubble_sort(rest, [max | sorted]) end def bubble_move([x]), do: [x] def bubble_move([x, y | t]) when x > y, do: [y | bubble_move([x | t])] def bubble_move([x, y | t]) , do: [x | bubble_move([y | t])] end IO.inspect Sort.bubble_sort([3,2,1,4,5,2])
- Output:
[1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sort/3 copied from Stackoverflow.
-module( bubble_sort ). -export( [list/1, task/0] ). list( To_be_sorted ) -> sort( To_be_sorted, [], true ). task() -> List = "asdqwe123", Sorted = list( List ), io:fwrite( "List ~p is sorted ~p~n", [List, Sorted] ). sort( [], Acc, true ) -> lists:reverse( Acc ); sort( [], Acc, false ) -> sort( lists:reverse(Acc), [], true ); sort( [X, Y | T], Acc, _Done ) when X > Y -> sort( [X | T], [Y | Acc], false ); sort( [X | T], Acc, Done ) -> sort( T, [X | Acc], Done ).
- Output:
7> bubble_sort:task(). List "asdqwe123" is sorted "123adeqsw"
function bubble_sort(sequence s) object tmp integer changed for j = length(s) to 1 by -1 do changed = 0 for i = 1 to j-1 do if compare(s[i], s[i+1]) > 0 then tmp = s[i] s[i] = s[i+1] s[i+1] = tmp changed = 1 end if end for if not changed then exit end if end for return s end function include misc.e constant s = {4, 15, "delta", 2, -31, 0, "alfa", 19, "gamma", 2, 13, "beta", 782, 1} puts(1,"Before: ") pretty_print(1,s,{2}) puts(1,"\nAfter: ") pretty_print(1,bubble_sort(s),{2})
- Output:
Before: { 4, 15, "delta", 2, -31, 0, "alfa", 19, "gamma", 2, 13, "beta", 782, 1 } After: { -31, 0, 1, 2, 2, 4, 13, 15, 19, 782, "alfa", "beta", "delta", "gamma" }
## இந்த நிரல் ஒரு பட்டியலில் உள்ள எண்களை Bubble Sort என்ற முறைப்படி ஏறுவரிசையிலும் பின்னர் அதையே இறங்குவரிசையிலும் அடுக்கித் தரும் ## மாதிரிக்கு நாம் ஏழு எண்களை எடுத்துக்கொள்வோம் எண்கள் = [5, 1, 10, 8, 1, 21, 4, 2] எண்கள்பிரதி = எண்கள் பதிப்பி "ஆரம்பப் பட்டியல்:" பதிப்பி எண்கள் நீளம் = len(எண்கள்) குறைநீளம் = நீளம் - 1 @(குறைநீளம் != -1) வரை மாற்றம் = -1 @(எண் = 0, எண் < குறைநீளம், எண் = எண் + 1) ஆக முதலெண் = எடு(எண்கள், எண்) இரண்டாமெண் = எடு(எண்கள், எண் + 1) @(முதலெண் > இரண்டாமெண்) ஆனால் ## பெரிய எண்களை ஒவ்வொன்றாகப் பின்னே நகர்த்துகிறோம் வெளியேஎடு(எண்கள், எண்) நுழைக்க(எண்கள், எண், இரண்டாமெண்) வெளியேஎடு(எண்கள், எண் + 1) நுழைக்க(எண்கள், எண் + 1, முதலெண்) மாற்றம் = எண் முடி முடி குறைநீளம் = மாற்றம் முடி பதிப்பி "ஏறு வரிசையில் அமைக்கப்பட்ட பட்டியல்:" பதிப்பி எண்கள் ## இதனை இறங்குவரிசைக்கு மாற்றுவதற்கு எளிய வழி தலைகீழ்(எண்கள்) ## இப்போது, நாம் ஏற்கெனவே எடுத்துவைத்த எண்களின் பிரதியை Bubble Sort முறைப்படி இறங்குவரிசைக்கு மாற்றுவோம் நீளம் = len(எண்கள்பிரதி) குறைநீளம் = நீளம் - 1 @(குறைநீளம் != -1) வரை மாற்றம் = -1 @(எண் = 0, எண் < குறைநீளம், எண் = எண் + 1) ஆக முதலெண் = எடு(எண்கள்பிரதி, எண்) இரண்டாமெண் = எடு(எண்கள்பிரதி, எண் + 1) @(முதலெண் < இரண்டாமெண்) ஆனால் ## சிறிய எண்களை ஒவ்வொன்றாகப் பின்னே நகர்த்துகிறோம் வெளியேஎடு(எண்கள்பிரதி, எண்) நுழைக்க(எண்கள்பிரதி, எண், இரண்டாமெண்) வெளியேஎடு(எண்கள்பிரதி, எண் + 1) நுழைக்க(எண்கள்பிரதி, எண் + 1, முதலெண்) மாற்றம் = எண் முடி முடி குறைநீளம் = மாற்றம் முடி பதிப்பி "இறங்கு வரிசையில் அமைக்கப்பட்ட பட்டியல்:" பதிப்பி எண்கள்பிரதி
let BubbleSort (lst : list<int>) = let rec sort accum rev lst = match lst, rev with | [], true -> accum |> List.rev | [], false -> accum |> List.rev |> sort [] true | x::y::tail, _ when x > y -> sort (y::accum) false (x::tail) | head::tail, _ -> sort (head::accum) rev tail sort [] true lst
USING: fry kernel locals math math.order sequences sequences.private ; IN: rosetta.bubble <PRIVATE :: ?exchange ( i seq quot -- ? ) i i 1 + [ seq nth-unsafe ] bi@ quot call +gt+ = :> doit? doit? [ i i 1 + seq exchange ] when doit? ; inline : 1pass ( seq quot -- ? ) [ [ length 1 - iota ] keep ] dip '[ _ _ ?exchange ] [ or ] map-reduce ; inline PRIVATE> : sort! ( seq quot -- ) over empty? [ 2drop ] [ '[ _ _ 1pass ] loop ] if ; inline : natural-sort! ( seq -- ) [ <=> ] sort! ;
It is possible to pass your own comparison operator to
, so you can f.e. sort your sequence backwards with passing [ >=< ]
into it.10 [ 10000 random ] replicate [ "Before: " write . ] [ "Natural: " write [ natural-sort! ] keep . ] [ "Reverse: " write [ [ >=< ] sort! ] keep . ] tri
Before: { 3707 5045 4661 1489 3140 7195 8844 6506 6322 3199 } Natural: { 1489 3140 3199 3707 4661 5045 6322 6506 7195 8844 } Reverse: { 8844 7195 6506 6322 5045 4661 3707 3199 3140 1489 }
This is not a complete implementation of bubblesort: it doesn't keep a boolean flag whether to stop, so it goes on printing each stage of the sorting process ad infinitum.
v Sorts the (pre-loaded) stack with bubblesort. v < \l0=?;l& >&:1=?v1-&2[$:{:{](?${ >~{ao ^ >~}l &{ v o","{n:&-1^?=0:&<
Sorts the 'cnt' cells stored at 'addr' using the test stored in the deferred word 'bubble-test'. Uses forth local variables for clarity.
defer bubble-test ' > is bubble-test : bubble { addr cnt -- } cnt 1 do addr cnt i - cells bounds do i 2@ bubble-test if i 2@ swap i 2! then cell +loop loop ;
This is the same algorithm done without the local variables:
: bubble ( addr cnt -- ) dup 1 do 2dup i - cells bounds do i 2@ bubble-test if i 2@ swap i 2! then cell +loop loop ;
Version with O(n) best case:
: bubble ( addr len -- ) begin 1- 2dup true -rot ( sorted addr len-1 ) cells bounds ?do i 2@ bubble-test if i 2@ swap i 2! drop false ( mark unsorted ) then cell +loop ( sorted ) until 2drop ;
Test any version with this:
create test 8 , 1 , 4 , 2 , 10 , 3 , 7 , 9 , 6 , 5 , here test - cell / constant tcnt test tcnt cells dump ' > is bubble-test test tcnt bubble test tcnt cells dump ' < is bubble-test test tcnt bubble test tcnt cells dump
SUBROUTINE Bubble_Sort(a) REAL, INTENT(in out), DIMENSION(:) :: a REAL :: temp INTEGER :: i, j LOGICAL :: swapped DO j = SIZE(a)-1, 1, -1 swapped = .FALSE. DO i = 1, j IF (a(i) > a(i+1)) THEN temp = a(i) a(i) = a(i+1) a(i+1) = temp swapped = .TRUE. END IF END DO IF (.NOT. swapped) EXIT END DO END SUBROUTINE Bubble_Sort
Per task pseudo code:
' version 21-06-2015 ' compile with: fbc -s console ' for boundry checks on array's compile with: fbc -s console -exx Sub bubblesort(bs() As Integer) ' sort from lower bound to the highter bound ' array's can have subscript range from -2147483648 to +2147483647 Dim As Integer lb = LBound(bs) Dim As Integer ub = UBound(bs) -1 Dim As Integer done, i Do done = 0 For i = lb To ub ' replace "<" with ">" for downwards sort If bs(i) > bs(i + 1) Then Swap bs(i), bs(i + 1) done = 1 End If Next ub = ub -1 Loop Until done = 0 End Sub ' ------=< MAIN >=------ Dim As Integer i, array(-7 To 7) Dim As Integer a = LBound(array), b = UBound(array) Randomize Timer For i = a To b : array(i) = i : Next For i = a To b ' little shuffle Swap array(i), array(Rnd * b) Next Print "unsort "; For i = a To b : Print Using "####"; array(i); : Next : Print bubblesort(array()) ' sort the array Print " sort "; For i = a To b : Print Using "####"; array(i); : Next : Print ' empty keyboard buffer While InKey <> "" : Var _key_ = InKey : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End
- Output:
unsort 6 2 4 7 1 5 -6 -2 3 -4 -7 -3 -1 -5 0 sort -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Per task pseudocode:
package main import "fmt" func main() { list := []int{31, 41, 59, 26, 53, 58, 97, 93, 23, 84} fmt.Println("unsorted:", list) bubblesort(list) fmt.Println("sorted! ", list) } func bubblesort(a []int) { for itemCount := len(a) - 1; ; itemCount-- { hasChanged := false for index := 0; index < itemCount; index++ { if a[index] > a[index+1] { a[index], a[index+1] = a[index+1], a[index] hasChanged = true } } if hasChanged == false { break } } }
More generic version that can sort anything that implements
:package main import ( "sort" "fmt" ) func main() { list := []int{31, 41, 59, 26, 53, 58, 97, 93, 23, 84} fmt.Println("unsorted:", list) bubblesort(sort.IntSlice(list)) fmt.Println("sorted! ", list) } func bubblesort(a sort.Interface) { for itemCount := a.Len() - 1; ; itemCount-- { hasChanged := false for index := 0; index < itemCount; index++ { if a.Less(index+1, index) { a.Swap(index, index+1) hasChanged = true } } if !hasChanged { break } } }
def makeSwap = { a, i, j = i+1 -> print "."; a[[i,j]] = a[[j,i]] } def checkSwap = { a, i, j = i+1 -> [(a[i] > a[j])].find { it }.each { makeSwap(a, i, j) } } def bubbleSort = { list -> boolean swapped = true while (swapped) { swapped = (1..<list.size()).any { checkSwap(list, it-1) } } list }
Test Program:
println bubbleSort([23,76,99,58,97,57,35,89,51,38,95,92,24,46,31,24,14,12,57,78,4]) println bubbleSort([88,18,31,44,4,0,8,81,14,78,20,76,84,33,73,75,82,5,62,70,12,7,1])
- Output:
..............................................................................................................................................[4, 12, 14, 23, 24, 24, 31, 35, 38, 46, 51, 57, 57, 58, 76, 78, 89, 92, 95, 97, 99] .........................................................................................................................................[0, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 31, 33, 44, 62, 70, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 82, 84, 88]
This version checks for changes in a separate step for simplicity, because Haskell has no variables to track them with.
bsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] bsort s = case _bsort s of t | t == s -> t | otherwise -> bsort t where _bsort (x:x2:xs) | x > x2 = x2:(_bsort (x:xs)) | otherwise = x:(_bsort (x2:xs)) _bsort s = s
This version uses the polymorphic Maybe type to designate unchanged lists. (The type signature of _bsort is now Ord a => [a] -> Maybe [a].) It is slightly faster than the previous one.
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Control.Monad bsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] bsort s = maybe s bsort $ _bsort s where _bsort (x:x2:xs) = if x > x2 then Just $ x2 : fromMaybe (x:xs) (_bsort $ x:xs) else liftM (x:) $ _bsort (x2:xs) _bsort _ = Nothing
This version is based on the above, but avoids sorting whole list each time. To implement this without a counter and retain using pattern matching, inner sorting is reversed, and then result is reversed back. Sorting is based on a predicate, e. g. (<) or (>).
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Control.Monad bubbleSortBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] bubbleSortBy f as = case innerSort $ reverse as of Nothing -> as Just v -> let (x:xs) = reverse v in x : bubbleSortBy f xs where innerSort (a:b:cs) = if b `f` a then liftM (a:) $ innerSort (b:cs) else Just $ b : fromMaybe (a:cs) (innerSort $ a:cs) innerSort _ = Nothing bsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] bsort = bubbleSortBy (<)
SUBROUTINE Bubble_Sort(a) REAL :: a(1) DO j = LEN(a)-1, 1, -1 swapped = 0 DO i = 1, j IF (a(i) > a(i+1)) THEN temp = a(i) a(i) = a(i+1) a(i+1) = temp swapped = 1 ENDIF ENDDO IF (swapped == 0) RETURN ENDDO END
[edit]Icon and Unicon
Icon/Unicon implementation of a bubble sort
procedure main() #: demonstrate various ways to sort a list and string demosort(bubblesort,[3, 14, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 3],"qwerty") end procedure bubblesort(X,op) #: return sorted list local i,swapped op := sortop(op,X) # select how and what we sort swapped := 1 while \swapped := &null do # the sort every i := 2 to *X do if op(X[i],X[i-1]) then X[i-1] :=: X[swapped := i] return X end
- Output:
Sorting Demo using procedure bubblesort on list : [ 3 14 1 5 9 2 6 3 ] with op = &null: [ 1 2 3 3 5 6 9 14 ] (0 ms) with op = "numeric": [ 1 2 3 3 5 6 9 14 ] (0 ms) with op = "string": [ 1 14 2 3 3 5 6 9 ] (0 ms) with op = ">>": [ 9 6 5 3 3 2 14 1 ] (0 ms) with op = ">": [ 14 9 6 5 3 3 2 1 ] (0 ms) with op = procedure cmp: [ 1 2 3 3 5 6 9 14 ] (1 ms) with op = "cmp": [ 1 2 3 3 5 6 9 14 ] (0 ms) on string : "qwerty" with op = &null: "eqrtwy" (0 ms)
The following code supports this and other sorting demonstrations.
- Sorting illustrates a difference in the way Icon and Unicon handles data types. Built-in operators for comparing data types make a syntactic distinction between numeric and string types, and sorting structured and user-defined types require custom code. An added complication arises because mixed types are allowed. Two approaches are possible here: (1) that taken by the built-in sort which sorts first by type and then value The sort order of types is: &null, integer, real, string, cset, procedure, list, set, table, and record; and (2) Coercion of types which is used here (and implemented in 'sortop') to decide on using string or numeric sorting. These sorts will not handle more exotic type mixes.
- The 'sortop' procedure allows various methods of comparison be selected including customized ones. The example could be made more general to deal with coercion of types like cset to string (admittedly an uninteresting example as csets are already sorted). Custom comparators are shown by and example procedure 'cmp'.
- 'demosort' can apply different sorting procedures and operators to lists and strings to show how this works. The routines 'displaysort' and 'writex' are helpers.
invocable all # for op procedure sortop(op,X) #: select how to sort op := case op of { "string": "<<" "numeric": "<" &null: if type(!X) == "string" then "<<" else "<" default: op } return proc(op, 2) | runerr(123, image(op)) end procedure cmp(a,b) #: example custom comparison procedure return a < b # Imagine a complex comparison test here! end procedure demosort(sortproc,L,s) # demonstrate sort on L and s write("Sorting Demo using ",image(sortproc)) writes(" on list : ") writex(L) displaysort(sortproc,L) # default string sort displaysort(sortproc,L,"numeric") # explicit numeric sort displaysort(sortproc,L,"string") # explicit string sort displaysort(sortproc,L,">>") # descending string sort displaysort(sortproc,L,">") # descending numeric sort displaysort(sortproc,L,cmp) # ascending custom comparison displaysort(sortproc,L,"cmp") # ascending custom comparison writes(" on string : ") writex(s) displaysort(sortproc,s) # sort characters in a string write() return end procedure displaysort(sortproc,X,op) #: helper to show sort behavior local t,SX writes(" with op = ",left(image(op)||":",15)) X := copy(X) t := &time SX := sortproc(X,op) writex(SX," (",&time - t," ms)") return end procedure writex(X,suf[]) #: helper for displaysort if type(X) == "string" then writes(image(X)) else { writes("[") every writes(" ",image(!X)) writes(" ]") } every writes(!suf) write() return end
bubbleSort=: (([ (<. , >.) {.@]) , }.@])/^:_
Test program:
?. 10 $ 10 4 6 8 6 5 8 6 6 6 9 bubbleSort ?. 10 $ 10 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 9
For the most part, bubble sort works against J's strengths. However, once a single pass has been implemented as a list operation,
tells J to repeat this until the result stops changing.[edit]Java
Bubble sorting (ascending) an array of any Comparable type:
public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> void bubbleSort(E[] comparable) { boolean changed = false; do { changed = false; for (int a = 0; a < comparable.length - 1; a++) { if (comparable[a].compareTo(comparable[a + 1]) > 0) { E tmp = comparable[a]; comparable[a] = comparable[a + 1]; comparable[a + 1] = tmp; changed = true; } } } while (changed); }
For descending, simply switch the direction of comparison:
if (comparable[a].compareTo(comparable[b]) < 0){ //same swap code as before }
Array.prototype.bubblesort = function() { var done = false; while (!done) { done = true; for (var i = 1; i<this.length; i++) { if (this[i-1] > this[i]) { done = false; [this[i-1], this[i]] = [this[i], this[i-1]] } } } return this; }
Array.prototype.bubblesort = function() { var done = false; while (! done) { done = true; for (var i = 1; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i - 1] > this[i]) { done = false; var tmp = this[i - 1]; this[i - 1] = this[i]; this[i] = tmp; } } } return this; }
var my_arr = ["G", "F", "C", "A", "B", "E", "D"]; my_arr.bubblesort(); print(my_arr);
- Output:
def bubble_sort: def swap(i;j): .[i] as $x | .[i]=.[j] | .[j]=$x; # input/output: [changed, list] reduce range(0; length) as $i ( [false, .]; if $i > 0 and (.[0]|not) then . else reduce range(0; (.[1]|length) - $i - 1) as $j (.[0] = false; .[1] as $list | if $list[$j] > $list[$j + 1] then [true, ($list|swap($j; $j+1))] else . end ) end ) | .[1] ;
( [3,2,1], [1,2,3], ["G", "F", "C", "A", "B", "E", "D"] ) | bubble_sort
- Output:
$ jq -c -n -f Bubble_sort.jq [1,2,3] [1,2,3] ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G"]
function bubblesort{T}(a::AbstractArray{T,1}) b = copy(a) isordered = false span = length(b) while !isordered && span > 1 isordered = true for i in 2:span if b[i] < b[i-1] t = b[i] b[i] = b[i-1] b[i-1] = t isordered = false end end span -= 1 end return b end a = [rand(-100:100) for i in 1:20] println("Before bubblesort:") println(a) a = bubblesort(a) println("\nAfter bubblesort:") println(a)
- Output:
Before bubblesort: [95,-40,-93,38,95,-20,-13,-61,81,51,-54,77,-4,-49,-99,-55,28,-52,2,-28] After bubblesort: [-99,-93,-61,-55,-54,-52,-49,-40,-28,-20,-13,-4,2,28,38,51,77,81,95,95]
was used on a list of integers. As written the function will work on lists of any objects for which isless
is defined.[edit]Kotlin
fun <T> bubbleSort(a : Array<T>, c: Comparator<T>) { var changed : Boolean do { changed = false for (i in 0 .. a.size - 2) { if (c.compare(a[i], a[i + 1]) > 0) { val tmp = a[i] a[i] = a[i + 1] a[i + 1] = tmp changed = true } } } while (changed) }
List do( bubblesort := method( t := true while( t, t := false for( j, 0, self size - 2, if( self at( j ) start > self at( j+1 ) start, self swapIndices( j,j+1 ) t := true ) ) ) return( self ) ) )
[edit]Liberty BASIC
itemCount = 20 dim item(itemCount) for i = 1 to itemCount item(i) = int(rnd(1) * 100) next i print "Before Sort" for i = 1 to itemCount print item(i) next i print: print counter = itemCount do hasChanged = 0 for i = 1 to counter - 1 if item(i) > item(i + 1) then temp = item(i) item(i) = item(i + 1) item(i + 1) = temp hasChanged = 1 end if next i counter =counter -1 loop while hasChanged = 1 print "After Sort" for i = 1 to itemCount print item(i) next i end
Section Header + name := BUBBLE_SORT; - external := `#include <time.h>`; Section Public - main <- ( + a : ARRAY(INTEGER); a := ARRAY(INTEGER).create 0 to 100; `srand(time(NULL))`; 0.to 100 do { i : INTEGER; a.put `rand()`:INTEGER to i; }; bubble a; a.foreach { item : INTEGER; item.print; '\n'.print; }; ); - bubble a : ARRAY(INTEGER) <- ( + lower, size, t : INTEGER; + sorted : BOOLEAN; lower := a.lower; size := a.upper - lower + 1; { sorted := TRUE; size := size - 1; 0.to (size - 1) do { i : INTEGER; (a.item(lower + i + 1) < a.item(lower + i)).if { t := a.item(lower + i + 1); a.put (a.item(lower + i)) to (lower + i + 1); a.put t to (lower + i); sorted := FALSE; }; }; }.do_while {!sorted}; );
function bubbleSort(A) local itemCount=#A local hasChanged repeat hasChanged = false itemCount=itemCount - 1 for i = 1, itemCount do if A[i] > A[i + 1] then A[i], A[i + 1] = A[i + 1], A[i] hasChanged = true end end until hasChanged == false end
list = { 5, 6, 1, 2, 9, 14, 2, 15, 6, 7, 8, 97 } bubbleSort(list) for i, j in pairs(list) do print(j) end
bsort(a) = if iseod(first a) then a else follow(bsort(allbutlast(b)),last(b)) fi where b = bubble(a); bubble(a) = smaller(max, next a) where max = first a fby larger(max, next a); larger(x,y) = if iseod(y) then y elseif x end; follow(x,y) = if xdone then y upon xdone else x fi where xdone = iseod x fby xdone or iseod x; end; last(x) = (x asa iseod next x) fby eod; allbutlast(x) = if not iseod(next x) then x else eod fi; end
divert(-1) define(`randSeed',141592653) define(`setRand', `define(`randSeed',ifelse(eval($1<10000),1,`eval(20000-$1)',`$1'))') define(`rand_t',`eval(randSeed^(randSeed>>13))') define(`random', `define(`randSeed',eval((rand_t^(rand_t<<18))&0x7fffffff))randSeed') define(`set',`define(`$1[$2]',`$3')') define(`get',`defn(`$1[$2]')') define(`new',`set($1,size,0)') dnl for the heap calculations, it's easier if origin is 0, so set value first define(`append', `set($1,size,incr(get($1,size)))`'set($1,get($1,size),$2)') dnl swap(<name>,<j>,<name>[<j>],<k>) using arg stack for the temporary define(`swap',`set($1,$2,get($1,$4))`'set($1,$4,$3)') define(`deck', `new($1)for(`x',1,$2, `append(`$1',eval(random%100))')') define(`show', `for(`x',1,get($1,size),`get($1,x) ')') define(`for', `ifelse($#,0,``$0'', `ifelse(eval($2<=$3),1, `pushdef(`$1',$2)$4`'popdef(`$1')$0(`$1',incr($2),$3,`$4')')')') define(`bubbleonce', `for(`x',1,$2, `ifelse(eval(get($1,x)>get($1,incr(x))),1, `swap($1,x,get($1,x),incr(x))`'1')')0') define(`bubbleupto', `ifelse(bubbleonce($1,$2),0, `', `bubbleupto($1,decr($2))')') define(`bubblesort', `bubbleupto($1,decr(get($1,size)))') divert deck(`a',10) show(`a') bubblesort(`a') show(`a')
- Output:
17 63 80 55 90 88 25 9 71 38 9 17 25 38 55 63 71 80 88 90
[edit]Mathematica / Wolfram Language
bubbleSort[{w___, x_, y_, z___}] /; x > y := bubbleSort[{w, y, x, z}] bubbleSort[sortedList_] := sortedList
bubbleSort[{10, 3, 7, 1, 4, 3, 8, 13, 9}] {1, 3, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13}
function list = bubbleSort(list) hasChanged = true; itemCount = numel(list); while(hasChanged) hasChanged = false; itemCount = itemCount - 1; for index = (1:itemCount) if(list(index) > list(index+1)) list([index index+1]) = list([index+1 index]); %swap hasChanged = true; end %if end %for end %while end %bubbleSort
- Output:
bubbleSort([5 3 8 4 9 7 6 2 1]) ans = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
fn bubbleSort arr = ( while true do ( changed = false for i in 1 to (arr.count - 1) do ( if arr[i] > arr[i+1] then ( swap arr[i] arr[i+1] changed = true ) ) if not changed then exit ) arr )
-- Usage
myArr = #(9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) myArr = bubbleSort myArr
Ja IS $127 LOC Data_Segment DataSeg GREG @ Array IS @-Data_Segment OCTA 999,200,125,1,1020,40,4,5,60,100 ArrayLen IS (@-Array-Data_Segment)/8 NL IS @-Data_Segment BYTE #a,0 LOC @+(8-@)&7 Buffer IS @-Data_Segment LOC #1000 GREG @ sorted IS $5 i IS $6 size IS $1 a IS $0 t IS $20 t1 IS $21 t2 IS $22 % Input: $0 ptr to array, $1 its length (in octabyte) % Trashed: $5, $6, $1, $20, $21, $22 BubbleSort SETL sorted,1 % sorted = true SUB size,size,1 % size-- SETL i,0 % i = 0 3H CMP t,i,size % i < size ? BNN t,1F % if false, end for loop 8ADDU $12,i,a % compute addresses of the ADDU t,i,1 % octas a[i] and a[i+1] 8ADDU $11,t,a LDO t1,$12,0 % get their values LDO t2,$11,0 CMP t,t1,t2 % compare BN t,2F % if t1<t2, next STO t1,$11,0 % else swap them STO t2,$12,0 SETL sorted,0 % sorted = false 2H INCL i,1 % i++ JMP 3B % next (for loop) 1H PBZ sorted,BubbleSort % while sorted is false, loop GO Ja,Ja,0 % Help function (Print an octabyte) % Input: $0 (the octabyte) BufSize IS 64 GREG @ PrintInt8 ADDU t,DataSeg,Buffer % get buffer address ADDU t,t,BufSize % end of buffer SETL t1,0 % final 0 for Fputs STB t1,t,0 1H SUB t,t,1 % t-- DIV $0,$0,10 % ($0,rR) = divmod($0,10) GET t1,rR % get reminder INCL t1,'0' % turn it into ascii digit STB t1,t,0 % store it PBNZ $0,1B % if $0 /= 0, loop OR $255,t,0 % $255 = t TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut GO Ja,Ja,0 % print and return Main ADDU $0,DataSeg,Array % $0 = Array address SETL $1,ArrayLen % $1 = Array Len GO Ja,BubbleSort % BubbleSort it SETL $4,ArrayLen % $4 = ArrayLen ADDU $3,DataSeg,Array % $3 = Array address 2H BZ $4,1F % if $4 == 0, break LDO $0,$3,0 % $0 = * ($3 + 0) GO Ja,PrintInt8 % print the octa ADDU $255,DataSeg,NL % add a trailing newline TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut ADDU $3,$3,8 % next octa SUB $4,$4,1 % $4-- JMP 2B % loop 1H XOR $255,$255,$255 TRAP 0,Halt,0 % exit(0)
PROCEDURE BubbleSort(VAR a: ARRAY OF INTEGER); VAR changed: BOOLEAN; temp, count, i: INTEGER; BEGIN count := HIGH(a); REPEAT changed := FALSE; DEC(count); FOR i := 0 TO count DO IF a[i] > a[i+1] THEN temp := a[i]; a[i] := a[i+1]; a[i+1] := temp; changed := TRUE END END UNTIL NOT changed END BubbleSort;
MODULE Bubble; PROCEDURE Sort(VAR a: ARRAY OF INTEGER) = VAR sorted: BOOLEAN; temp, len: INTEGER := LAST(a); BEGIN WHILE NOT sorted DO sorted := TRUE; DEC(len); FOR i := FIRST(a) TO len DO IF a[i+1] < a[i] THEN temp := a[i]; a[i] := a[i + 1]; a[i + 1] := temp; sorted := FALSE; END; END; END; END Sort; END Bubble.
using System; using System.Console; module Bubblesort { Bubblesort[T] (x : list[T]) : list[T] where T : IComparable { def isSorted(y) { |[_] => true |y1::y2::ys => (y1.CompareTo(y2) < 0) && isSorted(y2::ys) } def sort(y) { |[y] => [y] |y1::y2::ys => if (y1.CompareTo(y2) < 0) y1::sort(y2::ys) else y2::sort(y1::ys) } def loop(y) { if (isSorted(y)) y else {def z = sort(y); loop(z)} } match(x) { |[] => [] |_ => loop(x) } } Main() : void { def empty = []; def single = [2]; def several = [2, 6, 1, 7, 3, 9, 4]; WriteLine(Bubblesort(empty)); WriteLine(Bubblesort(single)); WriteLine(Bubblesort(several)); } }
We use an array for this version so that we can update in place. We could use a C# style list (as in the C# example), but that seemed too easy to confuse with a Nemerle style list.
using System; using System.Console; module Bubblesort { public static Bubblesort[T](this x : array[T]) : void where T : IComparable { mutable changed = false; def ln = x.Length; do { changed = false; foreach (i in [0 .. (ln - 2)]) { when (x[i].CompareTo(x[i + 1]) > 0) { x[i] <-> x[i + 1]; changed = true; } } } while (changed); } Main() : void { def several = array[2, 6, 1, 7, 3, 9, 4]; several.Bubblesort(); foreach (i in several) Write($"$i "); } }
/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols binary placesList = [String - "UK London", "US New York" - , "US Boston", "US Washington" - , "UK Washington", "US Birmingham" - , "UK Birmingham", "UK Boston" - ] sortedList = bubbleSort(String[] Arrays.copyOf(placesList, placesList.length)) lists = [placesList, sortedList] loop ln = 0 to lists.length - 1 cl = lists[ln] loop ct = 0 to cl.length - 1 say cl[ct] end ct say end ln return method bubbleSort(list = String[]) public constant binary returns String[] listLen = list.length loop i_ = 0 to listLen - 1 loop j_ = i_ + 1 to listLen - 1 if list[i_].compareTo(list[j_]) > 0 then do tmpstor = list[j_] list[j_] = list[i_] list[i_] = tmpstor end end j_ end i_ return list
- Output:
UK London US New York US Boston US Washington UK Washington US Birmingham UK Birmingham UK Boston UK Birmingham UK Boston UK London UK Washington US Birmingham US Boston US New York US Washington
[edit]Translation of Pseudocode
This version is a direct implementation of this task's pseudocode.
/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref savelog symbols binary placesList = [String - "UK London", "US New York" - , "US Boston", "US Washington" - , "UK Washington", "US Birmingham" - , "UK Birmingham", "UK Boston" - ] sortedList = bubbleSort(String[] Arrays.copyOf(placesList, placesList.length)) lists = [placesList, sortedList] loop ln = 0 to lists.length - 1 cl = lists[ln] loop ct = 0 to cl.length - 1 say cl[ct] end ct say end ln return method bubbleSort(item = String[]) public constant binary returns String[] hasChanged = boolean itemCount = item.length loop label h_ until \hasChanged hasChanged = isFalse itemCount = itemCount - 1 loop index = 0 to itemCount - 1 if item[index].compareTo(item[index + 1]) > 0 then do swap = item[index] item[index] = item[index + 1] item[index + 1] = swap hasChanged = isTrue end end index end h_ return item method isTrue public constant binary returns boolean return 1 == 1 method isFalse public constant binary returns boolean return \isTrue
proc bubbleSort[T](a: var openarray[T]) = var t = true for n in countdown(a.len-2, 0): if not t: break t = false for j in 0..n: if a[j] <= a[j+1]: continue swap a[j], a[j+1] t = true var a = @[4, 65, 2, -31, 0, 99, 2, 83, 782] bubbleSort a echo a
- Output:
@[-31, 0, 2, 2, 4, 65, 83, 99, 782]
function : Swap(p : Int[]) ~ Nil { t := p[0]; p[0] := p[1]; p[1] := t; } function : Sort(a : Int[]) ~ Nil { do { sorted := true; size -= 1; for (i:=0; i<a->Size(); i+=1;) { if (a[i+1] < a[i]) { swap(a+i); sorted := 0; }; }; } while (sorted = false); }
- (NSArray *) bubbleSort:(NSMutableArray *)unsorted { BOOL done = false; while (!done) { done = true; for (int i = 1; i < unsorted.count; i++) { if ( [[unsorted objectAtIndex:i-1] integerValue] > [[unsorted objectAtIndex:i] integerValue] ) { [unsorted exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:i-1]; done = false; } } } return unsorted; }
Like the Haskell versions above:
This version checks for changes in a separate step for simplicity.
let rec bsort s = let rec _bsort = function | x :: x2 :: xs when x > x2 -> x2 :: _bsort (x :: xs) | x :: x2 :: xs -> x :: _bsort (x2 :: xs) | s -> s in let t = _bsort s in if t = s then t else bsort t
This version uses the polymorphic option type to designate unchanged lists. (The type signature of _bsort is now 'a list -> 'a list option.) It is slightly faster than the previous one.
let rec bsort s = let rec _bsort = function | x :: x2 :: xs when x > x2 -> begin match _bsort (x :: xs) with | None -> Some (x2 :: x :: xs) | Some xs2 -> Some (x2 :: xs2) end | x :: x2 :: xs -> begin match _bsort (x2 :: xs) with | None -> None | Some xs2 -> Some (x :: xs2) end | _ -> None in match _bsort s with | None -> s | Some s2 -> bsort s2
function s = bubblesort(v) itemCount = length(v); do hasChanged = false; itemCount--; for i = 1:itemCount if ( v(i) > v(i+1) ) v([i,i+1]) = v([i+1,i]); % swap hasChanged = true; endif endfor until(hasChanged == false) s = v; endfunction
v = [9,8,7,3,1,100]; disp(bubblesort(v));
[edit]Reimplementation of NetRexx
This version exploits the "Collection Classes" and some other features of the language that are only available in Open Object Rexx.
/* Rexx */ Do placesList = sampleData() call show placesList say sortedList = bubbleSort(placesList) call show sortedList say return End Exit -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bubbleSort: procedure Do il = arg(1) sl = il~copy listLen = sl~size loop i_ = 1 to listLen loop j_ = i_ + 1 to listLen cmpi = sl[i_] cmpj = sl[j_] if cmpi > cmpj then do sl[i_] = cmpj sl[j_] = cmpi end end j_ end i_ return sl End Exit -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- show: procedure Do al = arg(1) loop e_ over al say e_ end e_ return End Exit -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sampleData: procedure Do placesList = .array~of( , "UK London", "US New York", "US Boston", "US Washington", , "UK Washington", "US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham", "UK Boston" , ) return placesList End Exit
- Output:
UK London US New York US Boston US Washington UK Washington US Birmingham UK Birmingham UK Boston UK Birmingham UK Boston UK London UK Washington US Birmingham US Boston US New York US Washington
[edit]Translation of Pseudocode
This version is a direct implementation of this task's pseudocode.
/* Rexx */ Do placesList = sampleData() call show placesList say sortedList = bubbleSort(placesList) call show sortedList say return End Exit -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bubbleSort: procedure Do il = arg(1) sl = il~copy itemCount = sl~size loop label c_ until \hasChanged hasChanged = isFalse() itemCount = itemCount - 1 loop i_ = 1 to itemCount if sl[i_] > sl[i_ + 1] then do t_ = sl[i_] sl[i_] = sl[i_ + 1] sl[i_ + 1] = t_ hasChanged = isTrue() end end i_ end c_ return sl End Exit -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- show: procedure Do al = arg(1) loop e_ over al say e_ end e_ return End Exit -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sampleData: procedure Do placesList = .array~of( , "UK London", "US New York", "US Boston", "US Washington", , "UK Washington", "US Birmingham", "UK Birmingham", "UK Boston" , ) return placesList End Exit -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- isTrue: procedure return (1 == 1) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- isFalse: procedure return \isTrue()
[edit]Classic Rexx Implementation
A more "traditional" implementation of version 1 using only Rexx primitive constructs. This version has been tested with the Open Object Rexx and Regina Rexx interpreters and could equally have been exhibited as a Rexx solution.
/* Rexx */ Do placesList. = '' sortedList. = '' call sampleData call bubbleSort do i_ = 1 to placesList.0 say placesList.i_ end i_ say do i_ = 1 to sortedList.0 say sortedList.i_ end i_ say return End Exit /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bubbleSort: procedure expose sortedList. placesList. Do /* Copy list */ do !_ = 0 to placesList.0 sortedList.!_ = placesList.!_ end !_ listLen = sortedList.0 do i_ = 1 to listLen do j_ = i_ + 1 to listLen if sortedList.i_ > sortedList.j_ then do !_ = sortedList.j_ sortedList.j_ = sortedList.i_ sortedList.i_ = !_ end end j_ end i_ return End Exit /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ sampleData: procedure expose placesList. Do ! = 0 ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "UK London" ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "US New York" ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "US Boston" ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "US Washington" ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "UK Washington" ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "US Birmingham" ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "UK Birmingham" ! = ! + 1; placesList.0 = !; placesList.! = "UK Boston" return End Exit
In-place sorting of mutable arrays:
declare proc {BubbleSort Arr} proc {Swap I J} Arr.J := (Arr.I := Arr.J) %% assignment returns the old value end IsSorted = {NewCell false} MaxItem = {NewCell {Array.high Arr}-1} in for until:@IsSorted do IsSorted := true for I in {Array.low Arr}..@MaxItem do if Arr.I > Arr.(I+1) then IsSorted := false {Swap I I+1} end end MaxItem := @MaxItem - 1 end end Arr = {Tuple.toArray unit(10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)} in {BubbleSort Arr} {Inspect Arr}
Purely-functional sorting of immutable lists:
declare local fun {Loop Xs Changed ?IsSorted} case Xs of X1|X2|Xr andthen X1 > X2 then X2|{Loop X1|Xr true IsSorted} [] X|Xr then X|{Loop Xr Changed IsSorted} [] nil then IsSorted = {Not Changed} nil end end in fun {BubbleSort Xs} IsSorted Result = {Loop Xs false ?IsSorted} in if IsSorted then Result else {BubbleSort Result} end end end in {Show {BubbleSort [3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5]}}
bubbleSort(v)={ for(i=1,#v-1, for(j=i+1,#v, if(v[j]<v[i], my(t=v[j]); v[j]=v[i]; v[i]=t ) ) ); v };
procedure bubble_sort(var list: array of real); var i, j, n: integer; t: real; begin n := length(list); for i := n downto 2 do for j := 0 to i - 1 do if list[j] > list[j + 1] then begin t := list[j]; list[j] := list[j + 1]; list[j + 1] := t; end; end;Usage:
var list: array[0 .. 9] of real; // ... bubble_sort(list);
# Sorts an array in place sub bubble_sort { for my $i (0 .. $#_){ for my $j ($i + 1 .. $#_){ $_[$j] < $_[$i] and @_[$i, $j] = @_[$j, $i]; } } }
my @a = (39, 25, 30, 28, 36, 72, 98, 25, 43, 38); bubble_sort(@a);
[edit]Perl 6
sub bubble_sort (@a is rw) { for ^@a -> $i { for $i ^..^ @a -> $j { @a[$j] < @a[$i] and @a[$i, $j] = @a[$j, $i]; } } }
function bubbleSort( array &$array ) { do { $swapped = false; for( $i = 0, $c = count( $array ) - 1; $i < $c; $i++ ) { if( $array[$i] > $array[$i + 1] ) { list( $array[$i + 1], $array[$i] ) = array( $array[$i], $array[$i + 1] ); $swapped = true; } } } while( $swapped ); }
/* A primitive bubble sort */ bubble_sort: procedure (A); declare A(*) fixed binary; declare temp fixed binary; declare i fixed binary, no_more_swaps bit (1) aligned; do until (no_more_swaps); no_more_swaps = true; do i = lbound(A,1) to hbound(A,1)-1; if A(i) > A(i+1) then do; temp = A(i); A(i) = A(i+1); A(i+1) = temp; no_more_swaps = false; end; end; end; end bubble_sort;
(de bubbleSort (Lst) (use Chg (loop (off Chg) (for (L Lst (cdr L) (cdr L)) (when (> (car L) (cadr L)) (xchg L (cdr L)) (on Chg) ) ) (NIL Chg Lst) ) ) )
define bubble_sort(v); lvars n=length(v), done=false, i; while not(done) do true -> done; n - 1 -> n; for i from 1 to n do if v(i) > v(i+1) then false -> done; ;;; Swap using multiple assignment (v(i+1), v(i)) -> (v(i), v(i+1)); endif; endfor; endwhile; enddefine; ;;; Test it vars ar = { 10 8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7 9}; bubble_sort(ar); ar =>
/bubblesort{ /x exch def /temp x x length 1 sub get def /i x length 1 sub def /j i 1 sub def x length 1 sub{ i 1 sub{ x j 1 sub get x j get lt { /temp x j 1 sub get def x j 1 sub x j get put x j temp put }if /j j 1 sub def }repeat /i i 1 sub def /j i 1 sub def }repeat x pstack }def
function bubblesort ($a) { $l = $a.Length $hasChanged = $true while ($hasChanged) { $hasChanged = $false $l-- for ($i = 0; $i -lt $l; $i++) { if ($a[$i] -gt $a[$i+1]) { $a[$i], $a[$i+1] = $a[$i+1], $a[$i] $hasChanged = $true } } } }
It's surprisingly easy in Prolog while coding this sort, to accidentally create a sort that is similar, but not identical to the bubble sort algorithm. Some of these are easier and shorter to code and work as well if not better. Having said that, it's difficult to think of a reason to code the bubble sort these days except as an example of inefficiency.
%___________________________________________________________________________ % Bubble sort bubble(0, Res, Res, sorted). bubble(Len, [A,B|T], Res, unsorted) :- A > B, !, bubble(Len,[B,A|T], Res, _). bubble(Len, [A|T], [A|Ts], Ch) :- L is Len-1, bubble(L, T, Ts, Ch). bubblesort(In, Out) :- length(In, Len), bubblesort(Len, In, Out). bubblesort(0, In, In). bubblesort(Len, In, Out) :- bubble(Len, In, Bubbled, SortFlag), % bubble the list (SortFlag=sorted -> Out=Bubbled; % list is already sorted SegLen is Len - 1, % one fewer to process writef('bubbled=%w\n', [Bubbled]), % show progress bubblesort(SegLen, Bubbled, Out)). test :- In = [8,9,1,3,4,2,6,5,4], writef(' input=%w\n', [In]), bubblesort(In, R), writef('-> %w\n', [R]).
for example:
?- test. input=[8,9,1,3,4,2,6,5,4] bubbled=[8,1,3,4,2,6,5,4,9] bubbled=[1,3,4,2,6,5,4,8,9] bubbled=[1,3,2,4,5,4,6,8,9] bubbled=[1,2,3,4,4,5,6,8,9] -> [1,2,3,4,4,5,6,8,9] true.
[edit]Alternative version
Should be ISO (but tested only with GNU Prolog). Note: doesn't constuct list for each swap, only for each pass.
:- initialization(main). bubble_sort(Xs,Res) :- write(Xs), nl , bubble_pass(Xs,Ys,Changed) , ( Changed == true -> bubble_sort(Ys,Res) ; Res = Xs ) . bubble_pass(Xs,Res,Changed) :- Xs = [X|Ys], Ys = [Y|Zs] , ( X > Y -> H = Y, T = [X|Zs], Changed = true ; H = X, T = Ys ) , Res = [H|R], !, bubble_pass(T,R,Changed) ; Res = Xs . test([8,9,1,3,4,2,6,5,4]). main :- test(T), bubble_sort(T,_), halt.
- Output:
[8,9,1,3,4,2,6,5,4] [8,1,3,4,2,6,5,4,9] [1,3,4,2,6,5,4,8,9] [1,3,2,4,5,4,6,8,9] [1,2,3,4,4,5,6,8,9]
Procedure bubbleSort(Array a(1)) Protected i, itemCount, hasChanged itemCount = ArraySize(a()) Repeat hasChanged = #False itemCount - 1 For i = 0 To itemCount If a(i) > a(i + 1) Swap a(i), a(i + 1) hasChanged = #True EndIf Next Until hasChanged = #False EndProcedure
def bubble_sort(seq): """Inefficiently sort the mutable sequence (list) in place. seq MUST BE A MUTABLE SEQUENCE. As with list.sort() and random.shuffle this does NOT return """ changed = True while changed: changed = False for i in xrange(len(seq) - 1): if seq[i] > seq[i+1]: seq[i], seq[i+1] = seq[i+1], seq[i] changed = True return None if __name__ == "__main__": """Sample usage and simple test suite""" from random import shuffle testset = range(100) testcase = testset[:] # make a copy shuffle(testcase) assert testcase != testset # we've shuffled it bubble_sort(testcase) assert testcase == testset # we've unshuffled it back into a copy
(define bubble-shot [A] -> [A] [A B|R] -> [B|(bubble-shot [A|R])] where (> A B) [A |R] -> [A|(bubble-shot R)]) (define bubble-sort X -> (fix bubble-shot X)) (bubble-sort [6 8 5 9 3 2 2 1 4 7])
bubblesort <- function(v) { itemCount <- length(v) repeat { hasChanged <- FALSE itemCount <- itemCount - 1 for(i in 1:itemCount) { if ( v[i] > v[i+1] ) { t <- v[i] v[i] <- v[i+1] v[i+1] <- t hasChanged <- TRUE } } if ( !hasChanged ) break; } v } v <- c(9,8,7,3,1,100) print(bubblesort(v))
class BubbleSort **Sort a list with the Bubble Sort algorithm** on start args := program arguments .sort(args) print args define sort(list) is shared **Sort the list** test list := [4, 2, 7, 3] .sort(list) assert list = [2, 3, 4, 7] body last := list.count - 1 post while changed changed := false for i in last if list[i] > list[i + 1] temp := list[i] list[i] := list[i + 1] list[i + 1] := temp changed := true
This bubble sort sorts the elelement in the vector v with regard to <?.
#lang racket (define (bubble-sort <? v) (define len (vector-length v)) (define ref vector-ref) (let loop ([max len] [again? #f]) (for ([i (in-range 0 (- max 1))] [j (in-range 1 max)]) (define vi (ref v i)) (when (<? (ref v j) vi) (vector-set! v i (ref v j)) (vector-set! v j vi) (set! again? #t))) (when again? (loop (- max 1) #f))) v)
Example: Sorting a vector of length 10 with random entries.
(bubble-sort < (for/vector ([_ 10]) (random 20)))
Sorts an array of Integers
Dim sortable() As Integer ' assume the array is populated sortable.Shuffle() ' sortable is now randomized Dim swapped As Boolean Do Dim index, bound As Integer bound = sortable.Ubound While index < bound If Sortable(index) > Sortable(index + 1) Then Dim s As Integer = Sortable(index) Sortable.Remove(index) Sortable.Insert(index + 1, s) swapped = True End If index = index + 1 Wend Loop Until Not swapped 'sortable is now sorted
/*REXX program sorts an array using the bubble-sort algorithm. */ call gen@ /*generate the array elements. */ call show@ 'before sort' /*show the before array elements.*/ call bubbleSort # /*invoke the bubble sort. */ call show@ ' after sort' /*show the after array elements.*/ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────BUBBLESORT subroutine───────────────*/ bubbleSort: procedure expose @.; parse arg n /*N: number of items.*/ /*diminish # items each time. */ do until done /*sort until it's done. */ done=1 /*assume it's done (1 ≡ true). */ do j=1 for n-1 /*sort M items this time around. */ k=j+1 /*point to the next item. */ if @.j>@.k then do /*is it out of order? */ _=@.j /*assign to a temp variable. */ @.j=@.k /*swap current item with next ···*/ @.k=_ /* ··· and the next with _ */ done=0 /*indicate it's not done, whereas*/ end /* [↑] 1≡true 0≡false */ end /*j*/ end /*until done*/ return /*──────────────────────────────────GEN@ subroutine─────────────────────*/ gen@: @.= /*assign default value to all @. */ @.1 = '---letters of the Hebrew alphabet---' ; @.13 = 'kaph [kaf]' @.2 = '====================================' ; @.14 = 'lamed' @.3 = 'aleph [alef]' ; @.15 = 'mem' @.4 = 'beth [bet]' ; @.16 = 'nun' @.5 = 'gimel' ; @.17 = 'samekh' @.6 = 'daleth [dalet]' ; @.18 = 'ayin' @.7 = 'he' ; @.19 = 'pe' @.8 = 'waw [vav]' ; @.20 = 'sadhe [tsadi]' @.9 = 'zayin' ; @.21 = 'qoph [qof]' @.10 = 'heth [het]' ; @.22 = 'resh' @.11 = 'teth [tet]' ; @.23 = 'shin' @.12 = 'yod' ; @.24 = 'taw [tav]' do #=1 while @.# \=='' /*find how many entries in list. */ end /*#*/ #=#-1 /*adjust because of DO increment.*/ return /*──────────────────────────────────SHOW@ subroutine────────────────────*/ show@: widthH=length(#) /*maximum width of any line. */ do j=1 for # say 'element' right(j,widthH) arg(1)':' @.j end /*j*/ say copies('─',80) /*show a separator line. */ return
- Output:
element 1 before sort: ---letters of the Hebrew alphabet--- element 2 before sort: ==================================== element 3 before sort: aleph [alef] element 4 before sort: beth [bet] element 5 before sort: gimel element 6 before sort: daleth [dalet] element 7 before sort: he element 8 before sort: waw [vav] element 9 before sort: zayin element 10 before sort: heth [het] element 11 before sort: teth [tet] element 12 before sort: yod element 13 before sort: kaph [kaf] element 14 before sort: lamed element 15 before sort: mem element 16 before sort: nun element 17 before sort: samekh element 18 before sort: ayin element 19 before sort: pe element 20 before sort: sadhe [tsadi] element 21 before sort: qoph [qof] element 22 before sort: resh element 23 before sort: shin element 24 before sort: taw [tav] ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── element 1 after sort: ---letters of the Hebrew alphabet--- element 2 after sort: ==================================== element 3 after sort: aleph [alef] element 4 after sort: ayin element 5 after sort: beth [bet] element 6 after sort: daleth [dalet] element 7 after sort: gimel element 8 after sort: he element 9 after sort: heth [het] element 10 after sort: kaph [kaf] element 11 after sort: lamed element 12 after sort: mem element 13 after sort: nun element 14 after sort: pe element 15 after sort: qoph [qof] element 16 after sort: resh element 17 after sort: sadhe [tsadi] element 18 after sort: samekh element 19 after sort: shin element 20 after sort: taw [tav] element 21 after sort: teth [tet] element 22 after sort: waw [vav] element 23 after sort: yod element 24 after sort: zayin ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
This example adds the bubblesort! method to the Array object. Below are two different methods that show four different iterating constructs in ruby.class Array def bubblesort1! length.times do |j| for i in 1...(length - j) if self[i] < self[i - 1] self[i], self[i - 1] = self[i - 1], self[i] end end end self end def bubblesort2! each_index do |index| (length - 1).downto( index ) do |i| self[i-1], self[i] = self[i], self[i-1] if self[i-1] < self[i] end end self end end ary = [3, 78, 4, 23, 6, 8, 6] ary.bubblesort1! p ary # => [3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 23, 78]
[edit]Run BASIC
siz = 100 dim data$(siz) unSorted = 1 WHILE unSorted unSorted = 0 FOR i = 1 TO siz -1 IF data$(i) > data$(i + 1) THEN tmp = data$(i) data$(i) = data$(i + 1) data$(i + 1) = tmp unSorted = 1 END IF NEXT WEND
class SORT{T < $IS_LT{T}} is private swap(inout a, inout b:T) is temp ::= a; a := b; b := temp; end; bubble_sort(inout a:ARRAY{T}) is i:INT; if a.size < 2 then return; end; loop sorted ::= true; loop i := 0.upto!(a.size - 2); if a[i+1] < a[i] then swap(inout a[i+1], inout a[i]); sorted := false; end; end; until!(sorted); end; end; end;
class MAIN is main is a:ARRAY{INT} := |10, 9, 8, 7, 6, -10, 5, 4|; SORT{INT}::bubble_sort(inout a); #OUT + a + "\n"; end; end;
This should be able to sort (in ascending order) any object for which
(less than) is defined.[edit]Scala
This slightly more complex version of Bubble Sort avoids errors with indices.
def bubbleSort[T](arr: Array[T])(implicit o: Ordering[T]) { import o._ val consecutiveIndices = (arr.indices, arr.indices drop 1).zipped var hasChanged = true do { hasChanged = false consecutiveIndices foreach { (i1, i2) => if (arr(i1) > arr(i2)) { hasChanged = true val tmp = arr(i1) arr(i1) = arr(i2) arr(i2) = tmp } } } while(hasChanged) }
import scala.annotation.tailrec def bubbleSort(xt: List[Int]) = { @tailrec def bubble(xs: List[Int], rest: List[Int], sorted: List[Int]): List[Int] = xs match { case x :: Nil => if (rest.isEmpty) x :: sorted else bubble(rest, Nil, x :: sorted) case a :: b :: xs => if (a > b) bubble(a :: xs, b :: rest, sorted) else bubble(b :: xs, a :: rest, sorted) } bubble(xt, Nil, Nil) }
(define (bubble-sort x gt?) (letrec ((fix (lambda (f i) (if (equal? i (f i)) i (fix f (f i))))) (sort-step (lambda (l) (if (or (null? l) (null? (cdr l))) l (if (gt? (car l) (cadr l)) (cons (cadr l) (sort-step (cons (car l) (cddr l)))) (cons (car l) (sort-step (cdr l)))))))) (fix sort-step x)))
This solution recursively finds the fixed point of sort-step. A comparison function must be passed to bubblesort. Example usages:
(bubble-sort (list 1 3 5 9 8 6 4 2) >) (bubble-sort (string->list "Monkey") char<?)
Here is the same function, using a different syntax:
(define (bsort l gt?) (define (dosort l) (cond ((null? (cdr l)) l) ((gt? (car l) (cadr l)) (cons (cadr l) (dosort (cons (car l) (cddr l))))) (else (cons (car l) (dosort (cdr l)))))) (let ((try (dosort l))) (if (equal? l try) l (bsort try gt?))))
For example, you could do
(bsort > '(2 4 6 2)) (1 2 3)
function b=BubbleSort(a) n=length(a) swapped=%T while swapped swapped=%F for i=1:1:n-1 if a(i)>a(i+1) then temp=a(i) a(i)=a(i+1) a(i+1)=temp swapped=%T end end end b=a endfunction BubbleSort
- Output:
-->y=[5 4 3 2 1] y = 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. -->x=BubbleSort(a) x = 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
This solution is hosted at the Scratch site, because it is difficult to document visual programming solutions directly here at Rosetta Code. There you can see the solution results as well as examine the code. This solution is intended to illustrate the Bubble sort algorithm rather than to maximize performance. Scratch provides visual queues to indicate list access, and these are used to help show what is happening.
const proc: bubbleSort (inout array elemType: arr) is func local var boolean: swapped is FALSE; var integer: i is 0; var elemType: help is elemType.value; begin repeat swapped := FALSE; for i range 1 to length(arr) - 1 do if arr[i] > arr[i + 1] then help := arr[i]; arr[i] := arr[i + 1]; arr[i + 1] := help; swapped := TRUE; end if; end for; until not swapped; end func;
Original source: [2]
func bubble_sort(arr is Array) -> Array { loop { var swapped = false; { |i| arr[i-1] > arr[i] && ( arr[i-1, i] = arr[i, i-1]; swapped = true; ); } * arr.offset; swapped || break; }; return arr; };
A straight translation from the pseudocode above. Swap is done with a block closure.
|item swap itemCount hasChanged| item := #(1 4 5 6 10 8 7 61 0 -3) copy. swap := [:indexOne :indexTwo| |temp| temp := item at: indexOne. item at: indexOne put: (item at: indexTwo). item at: indexTwo put: temp]. itemCount := item size. [hasChanged := false. itemCount := itemCount - 1. 1 to: itemCount do: [:index | (item at: index) > (item at: index + 1) ifTrue: [swap value: index value: index + 1. hasChanged := true]]. hasChanged] whileTrue.
* # Sort array in place, return array define('bubble(a,alen)i,j,ub,tmp') :(bubble_end) bubble i = 1; ub = alen outer gt(ub,1) :f(bdone) j = 1 inner le(a<j>, a<j + 1>) :s(incrj) tmp = a<j> a<j> = a<j + 1> a<j + 1> = tmp incrj j = lt(j + 1,ub) j + 1 :s(inner) ub = ub - 1 :(outer) bdone bubble = a :(return) bubble_end * # Fill array with test data str = '33 99 15 54 1 20 88 47 68 72' output = str; arr = array(10) floop i = i + 1; str span('0123456789') . arr<i> = :s(floop) * # Test and display bubble(arr,10); str = '' sloop j = j + 1; str = str arr<j> ' ' :s(sloop) output = trim(str) end
- Output:
33 99 15 54 1 20 88 47 68 72 1 15 20 33 47 54 68 72 88 99
The first version is based on the Ada version, with Integer for both the array index and the array element.
Static analysis of this code shows that it is guaranteed free of any run-time error when called from any other SPARK code.
package Bubble is type Arr is array(Integer range <>) of Integer; procedure Sort (A : in out Arr); --# derives A from *; end Bubble; package body Bubble is procedure Sort (A : in out Arr) is Finished : Boolean; Temp : Integer; begin if A'Last /= A'First then loop Finished := True; for J in Integer range A'First .. A'Last - 1 loop if A (J + 1) < A (J) then Finished := False; Temp := A (J + 1); A (J + 1) := A (J); A (J) := Temp; end if; end loop; --# assert A'Last /= A'First; exit when Finished; end loop; end if; end Sort; end Bubble;
The next version has a postcondition to guarantee that the returned array is sorted correctly. This requires the two proof rules that follow the source. The Ada code is identical with the first version.
package Bubble is type Arr is array(Integer range <>) of Integer; -- Sorted is a proof function with the definition: -- Sorted(A, From_I, To_I) -- <-> -- (for all I in Integer range From_I .. To_I - 1 => -- (A(I) <= A(I + 1))) . -- --# function Sorted (A : Arr; --# From_I, To_I : Integer) return Boolean; procedure Sort (A : in out Arr); --# derives A from *; --# post Sorted(A, A'First, A'Last); end Bubble; package body Bubble is procedure Sort (A : in out Arr) is Finished : Boolean; Temp : Integer; begin if A'Last > A'First then loop Finished := True; for J in Integer range A'First .. A'Last - 1 --# assert Finished -> Sorted(A, A'First, J); loop if A (J + 1) < A (J) then Finished := False; Temp := A (J + 1); A (J + 1) := A (J); A (J) := Temp; end if; end loop; --# assert A'Last /= A'First --# and (Finished -> Sorted(A, A'First, A'Last)); exit when Finished; end loop; end if; end Sort; end Bubble;
The proof rules are stated here without justification (but they are fairly obvious). A formal proof of these rules from the definition of Sorted has been completed.
bubble_sort_rule(1): sorted(A, I, J) may_be_deduced_from [ J <= I ] . bubble_sort_rule(2): Fin -> sorted(A, I, J + 1) may_be_deduced_from [ Fin -> sorted(A, I, J), element(A, [J]) <= element(A, [J + 1]) ] .
Both of the two versions above use an inner loop that scans over all the array on every pass of the outer loop. This makes the proof in the second version very simple.
The final version scans over a reducing portion of the array in the inner loop, consequently the proof becomes more complex. The package specification for this version is the same as the second version above. The package body defines two more proof functions.
package body Bubble is procedure Sort (A : in out Arr) is Finished : Boolean; -- In_Position is a proof function with the definition: -- In_Position(A, A_Start, A_I, A_End) -- <-> -- ((for all K in Integer range A_Start .. A_I - 1 => -- (A(K) <= A(A_I))) -- and -- Sorted(A, A_I, A_End) . -- --# function In_Position (A : Arr; --# A_Start, A_I, A_End : Integer) return Boolean; -- Swapped is a proof function with the definition: -- Swapped(A_In, A_Out, I1, I2) -- <-> -- (A_Out = A_In[I1 => A_In(I2); I2 => A_In(I1)]). -- --# function Swapped (A_In, A_Out : Arr; --# I1, I2 : Integer) return Boolean; procedure Swap (A : in out Arr; I1 : in Integer; I2 : in Integer) --# derives A from *, I1, I2; --# pre I1 in A'First .. A'Last --# and I2 in A'First .. A'Last; --# post Swapped(A~, A, I1, I2); is Temp : Integer; begin Temp := A(I2); A(I2) := A(I1); A(I1) := Temp; end Swap; pragma Inline (Swap); begin if A'Last > A'First then for I in reverse Integer range A'First + 1 .. A'Last loop Finished := True; for J in Integer range A'First .. I - 1 loop if A (J + 1) < A (J) then Finished := False; Swap (A, J, J + 1); end if; --# assert I% = I -- I is unchanged by execution of the loop --# and (for all K in Integer range A'First .. J => --# (A(K) <= A(J + 1))) --# and (I < A'Last -> In_Position(A, A'First, I + 1, A'Last)) --# and (Finished -> Sorted(A, A'First, J + 1)); end loop; exit when Finished; --# assert In_Position(A, A'First, I, A'Last); end loop; end if; end Sort; end Bubble;
Completion of the proof of this version requires more rules than the previous version and they are rather more complex. Creation of these rules is quite straightforward - I tend to write whatever rules the Simplifier needs first and then validate them afterwards. A formal proof of these rules from the definition of Sorted, In_Position and Swapped has been completed.
bubble_sort_rule(1): sorted(A, I, J) may_be_deduced_from [ J <= I ] . bubble_sort_rule(2): sorted(A, I - 1, J) may_be_deduced_from [ sorted(A, I, J), element(A, [I - 1]) <= element(A, [I]) ] . bubble_sort_rule(3): Fin -> sorted(A, I, J + 1) may_be_deduced_from [ Fin -> sorted(A, I, J), element(A, [J]) <= element(A, [J + 1]) ] . bubble_sort_rule(4): sorted(A, Fst, Lst) may_be_deduced_from [ sorted(A, Fst, I), I < Lst -> in_position(A, Fst, I + 1, Lst), I <= Lst ] . bubble_sort_rule(5): in_position(A, Fst, I, Lst) may_be_deduced_from [ I < Lst -> in_position(A, Fst, I + 1, Lst), for_all(K : integer, Fst <= K and K <= I - 1 -> element(A, [K]) <= element(A, [I])), I >= Fst, I <= Lst ] . bubble_sort_rule(6): I < Lst -> in_position(A2, Fst, I + 1, Lst) may_be_deduced_from [ I < Lst -> in_position(A1, Fst, I + 1, Lst), swapped(A1, A2, J + 1, J + 2), J + 2 < I + 1, J >= Fst ] . bubble_sort_rule(7): I - 1 < Lst -> in_position(A2, Fst, I, Lst) may_be_deduced_from [ in_position(A1, Fst, I, Lst), swapped(A1, A2, J, J + 1), J + 1 < I, J >= Fst ] . bubble_sort_rule(8): for_all(K : integer, I <= K and K <= I -> element(A, [K]) <= element(A, [I + 1])) may_be_deduced_from [ element(A, [I]) <= element(A, [I + 1]) ] . bubble_sort_rule(9): for_all(K : integer, I <= K and K <= I -> element(A2, [K]) <= element(A2, [I + 1])) may_be_deduced_from [ element(A1, [I]) > element(A1, [I + 1]), swapped(A1, A2, I, I + 1) ] . bubble_sort_rule(10): for_all(K2 : integer, Fst <= K2 and K2 <= J + 1 -> element(A, [K2]) <= element(A, [J + 2])) may_be_deduced_from [ for_all(K1 : integer, Fst <= K1 and K1 <= J -> element(A, [K1]) <= element(A, [J + 1])), element(A, [J + 1]) <= element(A, [J + 2]) ] . bubble_sort_rule(11): for_all(K2 : integer, Fst <= K2 and K2 <= J + 1 -> element(A2, [K2]) <= element(A2, [J + 2])) may_be_deduced_from [ for_all(K1 : integer, Fst <= K1 and K1 <= J -> element(A1, [K1]) <= element(A1, [J + 1])), element(A1, [J + 1]) > element(A1, [J + 2]), swapped(A1, A2, J + 1, J + 2) ] .
[edit]Standard ML
Assumes a list of integers.
fun bubble_select [] = [] | bubble_select [a] = [a] | bubble_select (a::b::xs) = if b < a then b::(bubble_select(a::xs)) else a::(bubble_select(b::xs)) fun bubblesort [] = [] | bubblesort (x::xs) =bubble_select (x::(bubblesort xs))
func bubbleSort<T:Comparable>(inout list:[T]) { var done = false while !done { done = true for i in 1..<list.count { if list[i - 1] > list[i] { (list[i], list[i - 1]) = (list[i - 1], list[i]) done = false } } } }
[edit]TI-83 BASIC
Input your data into L1 and run this program to organize it.
:L1→L2 :1+dim(L2)→N :For(D,1,dim(L2)) :N-1→N :0→I :For(C,1,dim(L2)-2) :For(A,dim(L2)-N+1,dim(L2)-1) :If L2(A)>L2(A+1) :Then :1→I :L2(A)→B :L2(A+1)→L2(A) :B→L2(A+1) :End :End :End :If I=0 :Goto C :End :Lbl C :If L2(1)>L2(2) :Then :L2(1)→B :L2(2)→L2(1) :B→L2(2) :End :DelVar A :DelVar B :DelVar C :DelVar D :DelVar N :DelVar I :Return
Odd-Even Bubble Sort (same IO):
:"ODD-EVEN" :L1→L2( :1+dim(L2)→N :For(D,1,dim(L2)) :N-1→N :0→O :For(C,1,dim(L2)-2) :For(A,dim(L2)-N+2,dim(L2)-1,2) :If L2(A)>L2(A+1) :Then :1→O :L2(A)→B :L2(A+1)→L2(A) :B→L2(A+1) :End :End :For(A,dim(L2)-N+1,dim(L2)-1,2) :If L2(A)>L2(A+1) :Then :1→O :L2(A)→B :L2(A+1)→L2(A) :B→L2(A+1) :End :End :End :If O=0 :Goto C :End :Lbl C :If L2(1)>L2(2) :Then :L2(1)→B :L2(2)→L2(1) :B→L2(2) :End :DelVar A :DelVar B :DelVar C :DelVar D :DelVar N :DelVar O :Return
Implementation of the pseudo code given at the top of the page. Place data to be sorted in L1
:dim(L1)→D :Repeat C=0 :0→C :D–1→D :For(I,1,D) :If L1(I)>L1(I+1):Then :L1(I)→C :L1(I+1)→L1(I) :C→L1(I+1) :1→C :End :End :End :L1
package require Tcl 8.5 package require struct::list proc bubblesort {A} { set len [llength $A] set swapped true while {$swapped} { set swapped false for {set i 0} {$i < $len - 1} {incr i} { set j [expr {$i + 1}] if {[lindex $A $i] > [lindex $A $j]} { struct::list swap A $i $j set swapped true } } incr len -1 } return $A } puts [bubblesort {8 6 4 2 1 3 5 7 9}] ;# => 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Idiomatic code uses the builtin
instead, which is a stable O(n log n) sort.[edit]Toka
Toka does not have a bubble sort predefined, but it is easy to code a simple one:
#! A simple Bubble Sort function value| array count changed | [ ( address count -- ) to count to array count 0 [ count 0 [ i array array.get i 1 + array array.get 2dup > [ i array array.put i 1 + array array.put ] [ 2drop ] ifTrueFalse ] countedLoop count 1 - to count ] countedLoop ] is bsort #! Code to display an array [ ( array count -- ) 0 swap [ dup i swap array.get . ] countedLoop drop cr ] is .array #! Create a 10-cell array 10 cells is-array foo #! Fill it with random values 20 1 foo array.put 50 2 foo array.put 650 3 foo array.put 120 4 foo array.put 110 5 foo array.put 101 6 foo array.put 1321 7 foo array.put 1310 8 foo array.put 987 9 foo array.put 10 10 foo array.put #! Display the array, sort it, and display it again foo 10 .array foo 10 bsort foo 10 .array
//Note that we're assuming that the list of numbers is separated by tabs. function bubbleSort(%list) { %ct = getFieldCount(%list); for(%i = 0; %i < %ct; %i++) { for(%k = 0; %k < (%ct - %i - 1); %k++) { if(getField(%list, %k) > getField(%list, %k+1)) { %tmp = getField(%list, %k); %list = setField(%list, %k, getField(%list, %k+1)); %list = setField(%list, %k+1, %tmp); } } } return %list; }
See Icon.
rm -f _sortpass reset() { test -f _tosort || mv _sortpass _tosort } bpass() { (read a; read b test -n "$b" -a "$a" && ( test $a -gt $b && (reset; echo $b; (echo $a ; cat) | bpass ) || (echo $a; (echo $b ; cat) | bpass ) ) || echo $a) } bubblesort() { cat > _tosort while test -f _tosort do cat _tosort | (rm _tosort;cat) |bpass > _sortpass done cat _sortpass } cat to.sort | bubblesort
The bubblesort function is parameterized by a relational predicate.
#import nat bubblesort "p" = @iNX ^=T ^llPrEZryPrzPlrPCXlQ/~& @l ~&aitB^?\~&a "p"?ahthPX/~&ahPfatPRC ~&ath2fahttPCPRC #cast %nL example = bubblesort(nleq) <362,212,449,270,677,247,567,532,140,315>
- Output:
Doing the decr and incr thing is superfluous, really. I just had stumbled over the byref thing for
and wanted to see where else it would work.
For those unfamiliar with Perth, WA Australia, the five strings being sorted are names of highways.
sub decr( byref n ) n = n - 1 end sub sub incr( byref n ) n = n + 1 end sub sub swap( byref a, byref b) dim tmp tmp = a a = b b = tmp end sub function bubbleSort( a ) dim changed dim itemCount itemCount = ubound(a) do changed = false decr itemCount for i = 0 to itemCount if a(i) > a(i+1) then swap a(i), a(i+1) changed = true end if next loop until not changed bubbleSort = a end function
dim a a = array( "great eastern", "roe", "stirling", "albany", "leach") wscript.echo join(a,", ") bubbleSort a wscript.echo join(a,", ")
- Output:
great eastern, roe, stirling, albany, leach albany, great eastern, leach, roe, stirling
[edit]Visual Basic .NET
Platform: .NET
Do Until NoMoreSwaps = True NoMoreSwaps = True For Counter = 1 To (NumberOfItems - 1) If List(Counter) > List(Counter + 1) Then NoMoreSwaps = False Temp = List(Counter) List(Counter) = List(Counter + 1) List(Counter + 1) = Temp End If Next NumberOfItems = NumberOfItems - 1 Loop
[edit]X86 Assembly
Translation of XPL0. Assemble with tasm, tlink /t
.model tiny .code .486 org 100h start: mov si, offset array mov ax, 40 ;length of array (not including $) call bsort mov dx, si ;point to array mov ah, 09h ;display it as a string int 21h ret array db "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.$" ;Bubble sort: si = array addrsss, ax = number of bytes bsort: pusha xchg cx, ax ;get size of array N dec cx ;for J:= N-1 downto 0 bs10: xor bx, bx ;for I:= 0 to J-1 bs20: mov ax, [bx+si] cmp al, ah ;if A(I) > A(I+1) then jbe bs30 xchg al, ah ; swap bytes mov [bx+si], ax bs30: inc bx ;next I cmp bx, cx jb bs20 loop bs10 popa ret end start
- Output:
include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic 'code' declarations string 0; \use zero-terminated strings proc BSort(A, N); \Bubble sort array in ascending order char A; \address of array int N; \number of items in array (size) int I, J, T; [for J:= N-1 downto 0 do for I:= 0 to J-1 do if A(I) > A(I+1) then [T:= A(I); A(I):= A(I+1); A(I+1):= T]; \swap items ]; \BSort func StrLen(Str); \Return number of characters in an ASCIIZ string char Str; int I; for I:= 0 to -1>>1-1 do if Str(I) = 0 then return I; char Str; [Str:= "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs."; BSort(Str, StrLen(Str)); Text(0, Str); CrLf(0); ]
- Output:
" .Pabcdeefghiiijklmnoooqrstuuvwxyz"
func bubblesort(&items) { itemCount = numberof(items); do { hasChanged = 0; itemCount--; for(index = 1; index <= itemCount; index++) { if(items(index) > items(index+1)) { items([index,index+1]) = items([index+1,index]); hasChanged = 1; } } } while(hasChanged); }
[edit]ZX Spectrum Basic
5000 CLS 5002 LET a$="": FOR f=1 TO 64: LET a$=a$+CHR$ (32+INT (RND*96)): NEXT f 5004 PRINT a$; AT 10,0;"ZigZag BubbleSORT" 5010 LET la=LEN a$ 5011 LET i=1: LET u=0 5020 LET d=0: LET p=(u=0)-(u=1) 5021 LET l=(i AND u=0)+(la-i+u AND u=1) 5030 IF u=0 THEN IF a$(l+1)>=a$(l) THEN GO TO 5050 5031 IF u=1 THEN IF a$(l-1)<=a$(l) THEN GO TO 5050 5040 LET d=1 5042 LET t$=a$(l+p) 5043 LET a$(l+p)=a$(l) 5044 LET a$(l)=t$ 5050 LET l=l+p 5051 PRINT AT 10,21;a$(l);AT 12,0;a$ 5055 IF l<=la-i AND l>=i THEN GO TO 5023 5061 LET i=i+NOT u 5063 LET u=NOT u 5064 IF d AND i<la THEN GO TO 5020 5072 PRINT AT 12,0;a$ 9000 STOP
Sumber: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithms/Bubble_sort
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